NCI Childcare Assistance

NCI Childcare Assistance

Child care issues frequently impact parents' work schedules, making it challenging for many families to afford child care while maintaining employment or pursuing career advancement. Workforce Solutions offers assistance to eligible working families to help cover child care costs. For inquiries, please contact Workforce Solutions at 1-888-469-5627.

The Workforce Solutions program by the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) provides childcare support to eligible low-income families. This initiative aims to assist working parents, those in job training or educational programs, and those seeking employment in accessing affordable, quality childcare services for their children.

Eligibility for the program considers income, family size, and requires meeting specific work or education criteria. Through financial aid, families can afford childcare from licensed providers in their vicinity.

Workforce Solutions not only offers financial assistance but also furnishes guidance to find suitable childcare options and encourages children's healthy development. This may involve connecting families with health and social services and facilitating developmental screenings for young ones.

For more details about the Workforce Solutions childcare assistance program in Texas, individuals can visit the TWC website or reach out to their local Workforce Solutions office. Signup at Texas Workforce Online in English, or Spanish.

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