LUX Montessori Program
The LUX School Montessori program was created after a multi-year pedagogical study and Montessori immersion opportunity.
The heart of our program is a wholistic, personalized curriculum that allows children to learn cognitive skills while igniting their educational curiosity.
We respect. We collaborate. We champion.
Montessori Education
Early Childhood Curriculum Overview
by Houston Montessori Center
Practical Life: These exercises are designed to teach children to function in their environment promoting order, concentration, coordination of movements, fine and gross motor skills. Children gain independence and self-confidence as they learn to function in their surroundings without unnecessary aid.
Sensorial: The Sensorial apparatus assists children in: giving language to sensory experiences they have received since birth; learning to differentiate between sizes, colors, weights, forms, textures, musical sounds, odors and taste, refining the senses: developing skills in thinking, concentrating, comparing, organizing, classifying, sequencing and verbal expression.
Art: The art activities are designed to stimulate creativity and expression using a variety of materials, lessons and techniques using a focus on process as opposed to product.
Language / Listening Activities: These activities prepare the child for auditory learning, developing memory, and critical thinking through daily participation in songs, fingerplays, and oral reading of books (fiction and non-fiction) and poems.
Early Math: These activities develop the concept of numbers using concrete materials to count and examine quantities from 1-10, working toward the recognition of names of quantities, and association with written symbols.
Math: Children gain the knowledge of quantities and written numerals using concrete materials. Children progress according to their ability and developmental level. Lessons with more difficult concepts, such as teens, counting to 100, the decimal system, and math facts are introduced as the previous skill has been mastered.
Early Language Activities: These lessons prepare the child to read by developing: vocabulary reception and use of spoken language, the concepts of spatial temporal sequence, isolation of discreet letter sounds, and visual discrimination of forms and letters.
Reading Skills: These exercises are designed to strengthen and enrich vocabulary and introduce phonics and literature as whole language activities, leading toward reading and comprehension of printed material.
Cultural Subjects: Science, geography, and history lessons are presented using a developmentally appropriate concrete activities designed for exploration, observation, and discovery.
Handwriting: Developmentally appropriate fine motor lessons are given to promote mechanical writing skills.